knowl·edge, noun
1. facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject; “a thirst for knowledge”
synonyms: understanding, comprehension, grasp, command, mastery; More
2. awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
“the program had been developed without his knowledge”
synonyms: awareness, consciousness, realization, cognition, apprehension, perception, appreciation; formal cognizance; “he slipped away without my knowledge”
What is the mathematical equation for FACTS:
Knowledge, based on education, experience, acceptance, and awareness determines facts. Facts requires awareness of and by two or more persons (or things) to be true, some facts require more. A fact may be a fact in one person and irrelevant to others, or non-factual, therefore limiting knowledge to one. In the case of Murder (there are two humans and a system of law – 3 things – the opinions and the system (comprised of a jury of 12)). To prove and prosecute for Murder, there are rules: they must have physical evidence, Motive, and/or Intent to kill; they must also prove it was done with Malice, depending upon time between the start of the THOUGHT, PLAN, AND ACTION. Absent the Action, there is no murder, absent the plan and thought, there is also no intent; therefore there is no basis for the accusation; must be acquitted. Absent the ability to see right from wrong, plus a motive, the greater the likelihood one will commit murder and the greater likelihood a jury will convict. The degrees change dependent upon the presentation and judgement of these facts. The murderer has to know right from wrong; which determines whether they go to a mental facility or prison or the death chamber.
How do you establish KNOWLEDGE of Right from Wrong? Awareness. If you weren’t aware it was wrong, then it makes for a non-purposeful action – awareness. A non-purposeful action with or without knowledge of it being right or wrong does not make it an ‘accident.’ If there are no such things as accidents, then what is the cause of action? The cause may have come from an External Source or a missing element. It could’ve been a random selection from another source. What is missing in knowing right from wrong? Awareness. Without awareness, one lacks the ability to see mistakes; or differentiate between right and wrong. Knowledge requires awareness.
Humans are aware that Murder is against the Law; rarely you will find an individual who does not know this Law, but there are some cases of Mental Retardation and problems in the mind that cause a deficiency in awareness. I’ve always thought a murderer had to be insane and careless to commit a crime, but if this were the case, then all murderers would go to a Mental Institution. The differentiator is up to the Sentencing Judge and it comes down to whether or not the Intent/Motive of the Murder was clear TO 1) The Prosecutor, 2) The Judge; 3) The Murderer; and 4) The Jury. If the Dead Person is alive, they may also play a role in it, as they still reside in the minds of their family and the mind of the murderer.
Conscious Thought + Plan = Intent +/- Action
Action +/- Intent = Motivation (or Motive)
This equation make “sense” because I may think about killing someone and plan it out, if there is no action, then there is no murder or crime. If the person dies, then time and how the person died, along with evidence tied to the suspect, are the major legal questions. State of Consciousness and how or why that person did what they are questions of Learning and Knowledge.
If thoughts travel, then can’t they kill someone? The equation to solve are the factors of the death, the internal actions of the person that wants them dead and a mechanism to manifest those thoughts. Currently, humans can only affect each others’ emotions and life from a distance. An interface that allows for harm is the only way this could occur; see CYBERCOM. The military gave orders to kill x# of people and it was carried out with no one on the ground and no casualties; its done with Nuclear Science.
Why did you start out with knowledge and then provide an equation for Actionable Intent?
What is the Formula for Knowledge? What is the context? Knowledge of what?
Information alone is not knowledge. Knowledge is gained from Learning. Just as Intent alone is not enough for murder. Learning is a process done by either school or experience and leads to knowledge. People are taught right from wrong, through a punishment and reward system. They make decisions based on emotions and input from other sources.
I’ve never been to Med School, yet I have Knowledge of the Brain. I need the following things to create a Knowledge Formula:
Source = TV, Internet, Education, Experience
Accuracy = Education, Authority, Evidence (Dependent Upon the Source)
Motivation = Want/Need (Internal / External)
Acceptance = Socioeconomic Standards (Self, Family, Friends, Colleagues)
Demonstration = Speech, Writing, Use of Knowledge
Experience = Direct or Indirect with People, Places, and Things
Retention = Memory
What determines KNOWLEDGE? There are different levels of Knowledge. There is knowledge based on Education, Experience, (Systems & Situations) and it is dependent upon Motivation and Accessibility (Access) and it involves Love and Hate (Emotions). Knowledge is referred to as “DEPTH” and “LEVEL.” This is an In-Depth Analysis of Knowledge (no it isn’t; its an Attempt to create a Formula for Determining Level of Knowledge).
The greater my want and acceptance, the greater the motivation. The greater the experience, the greater the acceptance. The greater the acceptance, the greater the Knowledge. The greater the Exposure, the greater the Retention. The greater the Retention, the Greater the Confidence. This is not always true in Abnormal Psychology.
Motivation + Source + Accuracy = Knowledge Level
Demonstration x Knowledge = Acceptance (This depends on the Receivers Assessment)
Education + Accuracy + Acceptance + Experience = Knowledge
Can’t the Source be further categorized into Exposure, Acceptability, Timeframe, Accuracy? Why does the source need to be further broken down? Science and Knowledge is built upon New Discoveries, therefore Source and Accuracy is of most importance and many are greatly influenced by Television, Radio, and their Peers. Doesn’t one need Motivation to become knowledgeable, no, because some are forced to learn, but coupled with External Acceptance, it helps increase Internal Acceptance and Self Worth, making learning easier. Why is Demonstration a part of Knowledge? To demonstrate knowledge and to obtain more Acceptance of self and others and also to solve a problem or complete an action. Acquiring knowledge involves more than one person (neuron) or medium. Good or Bad knowledge provides factors that predicts the likelihood of one taking the path of right or wrong. Awareness plays a major role in Knowledge and so does the subconscious.
Is there a Chemical Compound for Knowledge?
Of course, because once you begin Demonstrating Knowledge and Receiving Acceptance, feelings occur to increase what Chemical? Whatever Chemical is transmitted when one feels good or bad, happy or sad, excited or regular, but this is just a measure of feelings; it’s not a measure of knowledge. Knowledge is more a measure of Time in which you learned something and became aware you knew something and it’s level is dependent upon the Body of Knowledge itself. I know how to check my blood pressure, but I don’t know enough to become a Nurser Practitioner; that is determined by Education or Employment. Use of knowledge is your ability to put it into practice and use it to make decisions.
Does knowledge affect your Body’s Chemistry? Yes, when you’re bleeding, it does not hurt until you see it (awareness), but your brain or legs aren’t likely to grow because you have more knowledge (unless you consider the knowledge system being built from the birth; an idea that you have to be taught to move your muscles or to eat and grow). You may begin to feel stressed by becoming more knowledgeable in something, you may also have feelings of love and adoration towards yourself and others when you become more knowledgeable. You may become stressed or defensive when questioned about your knowledge; creating behavior responses and beliefs about a person, self, or a situation. It may take a couple of tries to become Confident in your own knowledge, increasing believability in yourself which affects your achievement.
Having knowledge of something doesn’t hurt? True or False.
False, since knowledge (+/-) affects our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. You may learn the world is a bad place and become motivated to change it or you may decide to commit suicide. Some knowledge is painful.
Does Knowledge require seeing? Without it, it’s 3rd party knowledge or hearsay; a thought without a visual.
Does Knowledge require personal experience? One can only imagine or speculate from another’s perspective.
Does personal experience aid in Future Motivation? Yes, because we draw upon experience to make decisions or to learn more.
Is a personal incident required to become Knowledgeable? No, although it makes one Directly knowledgeable of an incident.
Does Knowledge require acceptance? Without acceptance from others and self it’s just a point of view; undiscovered knowledge or a matter in denial.
Does Knowledge have to be shared to be considered knowledge? No, but it affects acceptance and others’ knowledge.
Can Knowledge be forgotten? Yes, but maybe it wasn’t considered useful Knowledge or didn’t meet your standards of accuracy when gained.
Where does knowledge come from and where does it end? It comes from curiosity or a law and it never ends since we’re still learning. It may end in death.
How can you mathematically figure out Depth of Knowledge:
Tests? I’m not a good test taker. Grades? I didn’t get my knowledge from the classroom. Experience? This is where the calculation could begin, if in fact Experience is a requirement of Knowledge (which it is not, it is a component).
Demonstration is really the only way to prove knowledge.
What is required to achieve knowledge:
Understanding, Ability to Recollect when needed, and the Ability to Use or put it into practice
What is required for knowledge to be Acceptable?
Demonstration that is Impressive or Useful to Others and is Proven to Work
How do you Use Your Knowledge? I can’t, I don’t have a License or an Audience, therefore it is just knowledge for personal gain of self esteem and awareness.
An Institute could measure knowledge using the following formula:
K = Knowledge
S1 = Subject
H = Hours
If S1 x H = K, then my knowledge formula is based on the number of hours of something. How could you possibly measure this over a lifetime! I’ve spent 80 million hours watching ER on TV in a lifetime, and have dealt with Sickness and Hospitals for decades, does this mean I can become a knowledgeable doctor? No, because of a Rule made by the Judicial System. Is the Judicial System higher than the Medical System? It is not higher than the system, but it prevents and punishes people in the system when mistakes are made and the law is broken. Part of learning includes mistakes and knowledge of others’ mistakes is critical in learning and advancing the evolution of the Human Mind or the Network of both the Computer Brain to Human Brains.
If I completed x# hours of classroom and homework study (bad number since it doesn’t include LIFESPAN) and completed x1# related medical procedures, then I could measure a Knowledge Base, but I would have to include mistakes, time to complete, and follow ups to determine effectiveness and efficiency. If I completed x1# procedures without x# hours of formal study, my hours might be calculated by procedure hours; making it an inaccurate equation since I didn’t consider the Awesome factor of one being able to do something without spending countless hours and making mistakes! I could spend 2 hours reviewing materials to form a better basis of understanding as compared to someone who spent 8 years in the classroom and be more successful than the student of formal education depending upon the scenario, the content, personal want, and time the evaluation was made and who was evaluating it; bias could be a factor.
A formula for knowledge is best designed with measuring small exchanges of specific types of information and summed up into a calculation that measures understanding. Understanding requires an Information Exchange and an Agreement of two thoughts on the same plane with minimal variation. Just as a Psychiatrist uses small windows of time to collect information to become knowledgeable on a psychological condition; he/she compares it to his knowledge of prior exams, variations, and hypotheses. To measure his/her knowledge in a subject requires an analysis of the basis for the question (the motivation); either his/her recommendation is working or not working; and he or she is not the only variable. He/She’s knowledge can be tested based on the interaction during visits as well as his/her recommendations or prescriptions, but you have to narrow down the question and include mood variables: What is being evaluated? The Knowledge of the Doctor or the Knowledge of the Patient or the Patient Satisfaction or the Effectiveness of the Drug; they are all interrelated. Obviously the doctor/patients living and working conditions are a contributing factor. When you compile all of these things and assign numbers to them, you can create a formula to display knowledge and satisfaction.
To review formulas for Knowledge from a Computer Science perspective, knowledge is easy to calculate and evaluate; as a computer can capture truth in every question you give it; provided you program it to answer the question with the answer you gave it; Garbage In/Garbage Out. If you code a computer to answer a question and you tell it to return the wrong answer, then you’re purposely developing it to be inaccurate and the computer is accurate because it does as you programmed it. To understand this, you must understand perspective: yours, others, and the computers perspective. If it produced a wrong answer, one could assume the computer is wrong; but it may actually be correct because it is what the programmer told it to do; therefore it is right (to the programmer). Similar to the neurotransmitters in the brain. To expand further, a neurotransmitter might be sending what it thinks is correct information, due to the request of the programmer, but it may result in something wrong as seen by others.
Why is knowledge of Brain Science and Medicine not 100% specific and enjoyable to learn? 1) It is not always accurate; 2) It’s a Practice Field; and 3) It requires a lengthy Licensure process. What is the Motivation for Learning it? To become knowledgeable in Human Anatomy, Behavior, Curing the Worlds’ Problems, and to gain more recognition and acceptance by the Self, Family, and Society. To achieve the highest level of Formal Education, despite life’s obstacles and negative internal dialog. To advance Medical Technology.
Does this offer anything valuable or new to the Brain Science or Computer Science community?
Perhaps the Motivation to come up with a Learning and Life Knowledge Computation not based on test scores and grades (a baseline) so the Human can better interface with the computer to prevent bad behaviors and physical reactions or break patterns.
The weight of the thought was heavy and the depth of the analysis was even greater. The effort caused 30 million people to carry that same weight of stress to reach public acceptance where they could save the lives of (or kill) half the population by designing an equation for learning right from wrong and blocking wrong actions. They prevented 90 million stress related cases of heart attack and stroke and reduced incidents of violent behaviors because they figured out how to balance perception and collective thinking, action and reaction and in turn, they made the world a more happier, content place of order and discipline. They turned a healthy individual into a criminal through the use of Messaging. They used Nuclear Medicine.
What is the equation?
One Thought = x (measured in Weight)
Analysis = y (measured in depth (or Volume)
LOE = Level of Effort (measured in the sound of the transmission and the weight of the thought)
Method: Transform Stress to solve the Human Condition intro messages to cause stress or neurotransmitters that spark negative thinking; send the signal to 30 million humans at once.
Result: A Tsunami and Thunderstorm.
If our computers are designed exactly as a human, then we have errors and viruses. If we design something major to manage the population on a massive scale, then we have a weapon of mass destruction, to be used for both good and bad.
So, how can thinking generate a Tsunami:
A graphic animation of a Tsunami in a Cartoon generated excitement of 30 million infants and toddlers, which in turn, excited their parents, and the graphic animation was adapted to an image on the news channels to show a real weather incident, invoking feelings of fear, empathy, and tears in the aftermath of the storm, which in turn was TRANSFORMED to fear to prevent the children from hurting themselves and the empathy was transferred to those in need of it. The tears were recycled and given to later experience emotions of joy for the parents and children watching the devastation and the dead bodies fed the ground to produce plants and the growth of other species now underwater (OR THE PLANTS AND ANIMALS WERE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE DECAY) which caused cavities and tooth problems for the watchers. The stress of the study was transferred to the buildings that gave way to the strength of the tide and the volume of the water. The tide sent the dead bodies into the ocean to feed the other animals because it was done in time; A demonstration of transferring positive and negative energy and putting it back into the earth.
A system was designed to predict and control the weather and bad behavior using the media. The Angry Weather Generator gained fear, acceptance, and appreciation for her power and destruction, just as the children and murderer did and the Weather Generator had to again, start the cycle over and manage the populations reactions to the footage and the actual event. The Weather might choose another medium to use next time, such as an Electrical Shower, and attack its own Transformer, killing its Rain System; causing us all to die of drought, anger, and sadness.
Knowledge and Believability
The point is, negative energy has to go somewhere and the fact is, you don’t know the Tsunami really happened and you don’t know if it prevented murderers or had anything to do with it. You can’t prove it induced or reduced stress because you come into awareness through the viewing of media (SOURCE) and much of it can appear to be real when it is not and you may have never connected you thought patterns with the weather or the ocean. The devastation only directly affects you and doesn’t give you actual knowledge of the major event because you were not there, suffering through it, trying to stay alive – you watched it or heard it from a device or a friend. This is why the media doesn’t affect people on a major personal level; they do not experience it directly, therefore it invokes feelings of joy of the Entertainment of Murder and Massacre. It is not to say it cannot prompt a person to commit a crime because it instills the thought, and works alongside basic instincts and survival skills. You believe the Tsunami happened because you have become socialized and taught to expect these patterns in certain regions of the country and you accept it because you have no power over it, it only becomes a household shock when it is an unexpected region or has not been presented to you on multiple occasions. Can your shock be comparable to a Lightning Bolt? Can your messages or Brainwaves be compared to the Ocean Tide? Can tears be comparable to a Rainstorm? Can the suction of a drain be compared to a Tornado? Can a wildfire be compared to a romantic evening?
Can you see the Good in all things?
They located the neurotransmitters that sparked action and reaction, perception, and feelings and they found a way to prevent violent thoughts from being created and not only did it change behavior on a grand scale, but it also changed the weather pattern because it too had vanes. It was through Brain Chemistry with the use of Weather Technology.
When communicating this concept to a Tax Professional, Palestinian, with limited knowledge or interest on Brain Chemistry, Transformers, and Weather Control, I felt the divide take place; a sad feeling since this level of knowledge is among a small percentage of the population, and I felt my confidence in the idea diminish due to the lack of acceptance of the idea. We both agreed the world should be a peaceful and safe place, but it is not.
In writing this, I congratulated myself on ability to ponder the computation of a formula for knowledge and how the the computer could capture and transform it, not only using fact or fiction determinates, but also transformation. I lost a bit of determination as I tried to quantify a qualitative subject due to the vastness of possibilities, as well as the inability to bounce these ideas off of another capable human (access to someone that could find it acceptable and useful) that could conceive my view of how the Human Mind works with the Environment and why the weather is often associated to anger and sadness.
I won’t dare go into why we look to the Ocean to provide peace when it can kill us and contains living creatures that eat each other every second or why we need the sun to stay healthy when it can burn us.