Abstract design made of head outlines, lights and abstract design elements on the subject of intelligence, consciousness, logical thinking, mental processes and brain power

An Integrated Architecture

What is integrated architecture?  In brick-and-mortar terms, or simply building architecture, of which I’m not sure integrated architecture truly exists, would be designed with elements that work together, or parts of each, such as Modern, Masonry, Victorian, Italian, Asian, often associated and varied by culture or timeframe in which it was designed.  Building architecture was for aesthetic purposes and durability.  As time progressed and life was experienced against what some call Mother Nature, or the environment and its dangers, such as wildlife and weather, in a hunter and gathering era, somehow people learned to work with different kinds of materials to find something that worked well and could sustain them comfortably.  The passing of time, somehow resulted in an entire industry and process of building, that came later with a government, the law, and a licensed sales process for building, changing, buying, and selling because humans experienced ownership and the necessity for safety.  As their knowledge and prosperity grew, designs became more decorative, with some of the most intricate details in the architecture that have been reported to stand the test of time through preservation efforts.  Perhaps as their moods and security of comfort changed, with less animalistic ways and threats to their existence, they were able to express more creativity and beauty.  Another theory is that the watcher and consumer of the stories recognized the beauty in the surroundings and environment, naturally and unknowingly instructing them to create beauty, as she or they as a class of students created artistic beautiful expressions.  Some of the architectural designs used in historic buildings matched some of the most cherished expressions of heartfelt sentiments found in greeting cards, designed by the children in schools.  This is a perfect theoretical example of the integration of creativity and simultaneous interactive media of time travel without a spaceship and a heavily scientific understanding of atmospheric pressures in life in equations, and especially important because it was matters of air before the first successful trip to the moon.  For the child, it was before science, but in the media, there were other student actors, such as Matthew Broderick, starring in War Games and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off to show that both school and work was in progress and life existed in more than one school and place, but it was architecturally different, as were the behavior and institutional experiences of the students and actors.  Both sets of students had relatives in common, on Active Duty in Foreign Lands, which perhaps made it more possible to achieve more than just communications via letter and the sharing of popular music via tape recordings.  The theory is that more than just the written words on paper, and audio recordings could transfer and change the views of things, including building architecture.  What is of integral interest to the theory of time relevance in design using simplistic cause and effect, are the notable cataclysmic events, such as the Great Earthquake of 1984 in San Francisco and the travels or safety of those experiencing it closely, as in neighboring cities, not just how it affects students, but if the airing of such War Games, and such an event is connected, knowing that Hollywood uses disclaimers and humans understand the difference between real media and those designed for entertainment. 

Noted:  Legal necessity and protections for the use of disclaimers and warnings.  Does the law prevent or operate as an after the fact system designed to reposition or deter and monetize damage?

If a high school student broke into Government Military Systems and moved nuclear warheads in real life, we would then be able to prove that the media enabled such an event, even with the use of a disclaimer.  It cannot be proven that it did not because as later noted in the History books, nuclear war became and remains an imminent threat, prompting the creation of the Atomic Bomb.  The word integration was not used or known in the 1980s or 1960s.  It wasn’t until later that systems engineers at places such as Science Applications Internation Corporation, began to work with places such as NetWarCom, or Network War Command (NETWARCOM), or CyberCom, showing there are plans and a necessity to test and develop the media for integrated systems and more than what is depicted on screen and off in both lives; the actors and students, as well as military and citizens.

While war and building laws, codes, and methods have changed, life and its necessity for it have not.  As other fields or disciplines become integrated, such as Electricity and Technology, integration and dependence or reliance are better explained.  It did not happen instantly, although some believe the world was built in six days by one man when reality and our history books say there were builders and many people that somehow multiplied across the world with a purpose to do the same thing.  We don’t know how it was built; if it appeared all at once and made available to people to improve and follow its design with some freedom to change.  We just know that it is necessary and there is a specific process we must follow to rent, own, or change a structure.  The same is not entirely true for technology, but some mysteries of how it came to be are.

The same is only partially true for software systems or application integration, the necessities that make a computer useful because it’s more than just what is seen.  It’s built to last with some freedoms, and good for the environment, for a specific purpose, with engineers designated to manage space and cost savings, recycling, its improvement, and longevity.  It has often been said that some things can be created, designed, or built that provide quick fixes, solutions to problems, or simply better ways of doing things, but later it was found that if a million or more quick small fixes were created, separately, like physical building structures, then there would be variation, and creativity of each culture would be seen.  We don’t know if there is a worldwide building code, but we know that somehow knowledge is shared across the world, with varied techniques and processes and we also don’t know if a Worldwide Technology code exists, beyond the Internet and its associated systems.  The systems referred to are infrastructure systems that ensure a smoothly operating work community, tax system, or economy, religion, and system of law to oversee and manage social order, as well as educational systems, that operate as individual institutions, each with its own standard set of laws and rules, managed by a government that is nationally and possibly globally standardized.  We operate within a structured system, where there are three branches of government elected to lead and represent the people.

Technology mirrors the secrets of the Free Masonry Society, or the Builders Union, where many of the early builders, architects, and engineers created original buildings decades ago, did not tout high-priced Ivy League education, and were spread out across the world, yet somehow, found or engineered smart ways of meeting their human needs for enclosed spaces, beautifying it as they went along.  The same approach is used in Computer Information Systems, to create a functional system and beautify it along the way, turning a simple data collection module of boxes into something more visually pleasing and creative.  Such mysterious creation is good, while others want to know how and nearly demand every detail in writing with a thorough plan for ownership, maintenance, and financial portfolio, perhaps for safety and training purposes.  Some are just happy with what is created for them, without having to be asked, yet settle for subpar systems because they don’t have access to higher intellect or skill.  At some point, we become comfortable, either accepting and meeting the demands of others without challenge, with few brave souls willing to question such need for extrinsically intricate detailed designs and approvals, leading to another word summarized in dysfunction as “bureaucratic,” The heavily scrutinized designed process creates roadblocks and slows or frustrates the plans of the developer, without a modern explanation.  This prompts the necessity for regular efficiency reviews and depending upon the purpose of the system(s) and changes, regular psychological evaluations.

Some believe the world was built in 6 days by one man, named God, and his story is in the bible, but it doesn’t match American specifications for what is considered realistic and humanly possible in real life.  This brings another theory of Planet Integration or the idea that perhaps there is or was life on other planets because of humans need to discover the great beyond seen in real life and depicted in the media, but not in the institutional textbooks, were said to be caves, which were just openings in the earth, where humans could have shelter from the rains and sun, and perhaps enjoy warmer and cleaner air.  Somehow, it evolved into building walls, and a roof, and later, into sophisticated designs of high-rise buildings, condominiums, workplaces, government offices, and other locations designed for learning, business, and entertainment.  A more organized business design was created for the automobile industry and manufacturing, with many standing strong through the test of time and economic downturns or periods of technological innovation.  The house and the car have even become “interchangeable” or used similarly, where people lived in their vehicles; some being okay with it, some finding it to be a free or lower cost way to live, while others find it to be a violation of the law and detriment to society for the necessity of hygiene.  While some systems are there, the requirements are set to take care of a specific type of person, such as a single Mother, or Single Father, such as the Welfare System, or the ill and elderly, such as the Social Security System.  Their oversights changed their name to service organizations.  The expectation of men and women in the United States is, if able, to contribute to the system of work or Labor with obligatory rights and responsibilities to live and prosper.

Very little is integrated unless the word is used to mean “getting comfortable” or “assimilated.”  When I first heard the term “integrated” it was used to describe one’s necessity to spend time getting comfortable in a new area, thus meaning, it would take a little bit of time to learn and get acquainted with one another.  In the workplace, they were expected to perform at the same level of effort or contribute the same amount of time.  Time management became a matter of importance, without comparison to what each could and should accomplish in a set amount of time.  Assimilation also was used to describe a person’s process of getting comfortable with a new family, practice, process, function, or way of doing things.  A word that shows the measurable work objective and outcome:  Performance. How can performance be summarized and integrated if all places use a different performance scale?  

Much is shared, but very little is integrated using technology without mass duplication and full efficiency in data management.  Human actions of living are different than technological integration, but technology manages the information necessary to evaluate such efforts, as well as maintain information on location, legal guardianship, rights, accomplishments, and their functioning as a citizen in the world, at whatever age, in whatever system, such as Education, Work, or Family.  The word system can also be referred to as an “institution;” for example: “The Educational Institution is not integrated, yet is standardized across the nation, using the same curriculum and test measurements to achieve a specific result, called graduation, or preparatory activities for the next phase of life choices.”  Humans operate within their specific system or institution, which uses Technology Systems to manage progress, but can be used to manage more with better integration with other systems, such as Healthcare.  If we sought to integrate Education and Healthcare, we might find young students capable of learning the system of health and utilizing early training for illness and disease prevention, increasing the lifespan, and quality of life for themselves and many others.  It is those who operate within the standard system of work and welfare that function using old ways.  Innovation in education would enable such integration, if Technology could lead the way in offering ways to integrate, meeting the purposes of more than one kind of institution (or discipline – used again, interchangeably).

Are humans, not interconnected information sources, learning, and sharing with others and performing the purpose of their life, which is to continue to learn, grow, achieve, and pass on their knowledge and skill by teaching and leading others, if not by parenting, then in the workforce?

Inta-grey-shun (pronounced – used in context)

Thank you, dear gracious master, for explaining the need to share; an elementary school concept, but there is more to connectedness beyond information accessibility and necessity.  If you dissect the word integration, which I often enjoy doing for many words, as I become a doctor of the scientific field of technology, breaking it down to explain its meaning more clearly is done with hesitation because of the negative term; breaking, as it relates to physical building structures, data systems, or applications; thus changing it to ‘dissecting’ for a more scientific example of a word evaluation.  The importance of whole, complete, and partial words is critical to our learning and understanding, as well as applicability for integration, and or the way words are combined, textually, leading to technological systems of summary using mathematical components.  Many people view it in different ways and on different levels, as data bits of information, being points, or text characters, letters, or sentences, while others see technology and its function as being a connected system of information sources, an output, a formatted document, or official record, rather than on-screen entries of necessary things, or a complete process to act. 

What is Action Potential, Membrane Potential, Action Potential Chart |  Molecular DevicesVisio is the best technical tool to document processes; however, other automated visuals are used within systems, following standard measurements and presentations in charting.  The chart explains the concept of neurosynaptic action without reference to its applicability or further discussion on polarization.  Scientists enjoy publishing diagrams categorized as ambiguous, licensure specific to the field of neuroscience, understood by accompanied systematic research and actual exposure to the computerized system that is in use for the brain being evaluated.  Others publish this to convey the potential for creating such a system to evaluate decision-making and point between plan and action to stimulate or inhibit with change controls of neuropathways for improved action(s), but very little has been published because the system has not yet completely presented itself.  It is comparable to knowing a system exists, but never seeing it in action, or its full capability, therefore believability and trust, as well as ability to evaluate diminishes, proving there is no actual public system that welcomes neuro-biological statistical proof of anything.  Another problem is the location of the system and its purpose, either located in a Healthcare System or soon to be made available for home devices after being proven in a controlled environment.  Some graphs presented in neuroscience are evaluations of computerized learning systems of the system itself, to ensure that the evaluating system is correctly balancing and is aware of its capability, or operating as non-active, and user creation input only, as provided, not with special neuropathic wave measurements. 

For humans to integrate with the computer, their roles must be specified, and it must be understood, that no system exists on home computing devices that monitor brain activity or decision-making processes, at this time, other than the human using the computing device.  This is a necessary acknowledgement to avoid the duplication of effort or redevelopment or incorrect interpretation of data, made publicly available that would lead an engineer or Doctor of Technology to believe that biotechnology in neuroscience has been made available to the Doctor for evaluation and consideration.  The main area of consideration is the variation of what has been offered through physical testing of brain science in Healthcare settings, and what is shown in research, which has, advanced from earlier research, but with no published outcomes or new revolutionary discoveries of noteworthy value that would necessitate a thorough RDT&E formal process.  This is why there is a major objection to object-oriented programming and its associated computer application, language, approach, and more.  When using physics, either virtual or simply portrayal, with or without legal ratings, warnings, and more, a risk assessment must be conducted; along with actual proof of damage and payment, using a legal/non-legally binding, or other outcome for equalization and improvement.  In other words, the damages must be paid for justice cannot be continuously denied, and victims are continuously damaged and tortured for the sake of “constant” numerical testing using humans of bad/corrupt or restrictive designs, sub-confined to dysfunctional systems to maintain world, financial control using oppression and more.  Intelligence must rise, alongside emotional and empathetic judgments, in pre and post-actions (considerations before action or no action in fault-finding and representation efforts).  In other words, a person or thing cannot be defended haphazardly, just as a person cannot be abused accidentally constantly, just as humans cannot constantly break each other down, alongside their vehicles, and think that manufacturing of such weapons and dysfunction can and will effectively continue or stop just by walking away or getting a divorce; some must die and step out of their simplistic and neurologically deficient ways of resolving disputes or answering and solving challenging problems.  It has been proven that brainwashing and odd ideals of ‘forgiveness’ are appropriate for major crimes, all dependent upon the age of the criminals and the amount of money (including earning potential) of the victims and abusers, to the point of domino effects and chain reactions of serious crimes and incidents.  Although some can heal, they cannot continuously be forced back into situations or contact with such ideals or humans of like substance or action(s); and not all humans can be evaluated equally at the same time.  While cancer seems like the greatest and scariest cause of death, it cannot be the sole point of death threat and warnings to play on the weakness of those who enjoy their substance, and because it includes flammables, cannot suggest burning their children in hell because they believe or don’t believe in God, but they can rely on honesty, responsible use, and defy the law because the law does not own or control children; as proven by a high number of seriously diseased and disabled children.  If the law truly controlled its children and citizens, the scientific study of law and health would have been long since resolved, when it first began; not 800 years ex post facto with 30 million pounds of paper and no one qualified to argue because of the individual nature of case law and lack of class action necessary to prove such significance in and of integration.

While measurements of radioactive materials might be possible using particle physics and systems of mathematical computation with airwave detection in biotechnology, it is designated for healthcare facilities and other agencies that have formally sponsored government-approved and funded projects for Biological and Radiological Research.  What is only lightly understood and explained are the measurements of the measurement device itself and its ability to separate radio and wave communication components during simultaneous use; as well as evaluate biorhythmic reaction concepts and the scientific method of stimuli evaluation, in settings that are not entirely controlled or controllable (sometimes called, real life) and in situations of multiple humans and devices.  Feeling radioactive waves and reporting it to a healthcare facility is not enough, since other Doctors are not specifically assigned to manage walk-in self-report services where the patient is knowledgeable of the substance and reaction, expressed in feelings.  The initial hypothesis was that “if you knew how to cause it, then you would know how to stop it.”  This hypothesis was proven untrue because of other human dysfunctions in management processes of removal, death, and inability where chance was removed, perhaps by access-controlled devices locking themselves out or creating an unfixable and uncontrollable transmitting system.

Integration with all parts of Technology and Biology is unwise, because of radiation or radioactive and negative particles (or ions) that carry elements of disease, which have not been named publicly but are known as a cellular imbalance and dysfunction of the auto-immune system or immune system.  It would be remiss to omit the discussion of those systems for studies of biological integration, especially considering it is of great importance and value to the field, but of no value if it has been tracked using blood samples and tissue tests, and the scientific tester, observer, researcher, or reporter does not have access to the test measurements to refute or prove its hypothesis; that the electrons are made up of electronic particles, comparable to the static seen on television, with harmful and painful effects that damage eyesight, and cause severe pain and discomfort.  Integration and scientific failure to adequately test network transmissions is the likely cause.  The necessity for such a discussion or mention is because of the Domain Name Service’s use of static or dynamic IP addressing, without a full explanation of detection and transmission, in controlled tests.  Some short studies conducted have proven replication of healthcare problems, in specific biological areas, that have been known to grow into cancer or cause skin irritation, internally and externally, as well as behavioral and mood dysfunction, but few are willing to publish actual results because of unapproved or low-quality tests of subjects in places by unqualified professionals without good tools to assess risk, develop plans, and actual healthcare change management systems.  Simply “going to the Doctor” and living as the patient is not the answer; it is taking action and defining it, utilizing qualified research, previous knowledge, and exposure, and using what is available to conclude it or show proof of serious disconnection of what is said to exist versus what has officially or been offered and shown in medical or healthcare facilities.  It’s easy to rely on other researcher’s work, and apply it to your own experience, adding to your research, just as it’s easy to accept a Doctor’s diagnosis unless there is a better personal understanding or point of insight gained that shows more gaps or dysfunction that must be resolved in the system in question, before it can be accepted as one’s own healthcare reality or fact of a terminal illness.

In human-vocalized communication terms, integration is slightly synonymous with interacting, however, people aren’t acting, as if it were Hollywood.  As time and life progress, the word acting even grows and changes into behavior; perhaps the selected use is a matter of time of reference.  The word that overall describes a person’s attitude and actions in situations, is measured by time.  As a child, acting was especially important because of the media and devices where we spent most of our evenings, either alone or as a family; humans that are connected to our world, influencing the growth and development of the self, group, team, community, nation, and world in some way.  The word “integrating” used in the context of human interaction has never been used but can be similarly described as two systems “connecting” to share information, but different because one system has certain parts, while the other doesn’t and must use one system to get what it needs from the other one to complete a task or reach a certain place in a process.

In obstetrics, an infant’s umbilical cord must detach from its mother upon entry into the world for it to change its development as a human being, otherwise, eventually one or more will die.  Its medical term changes from a fetus to a human being after exiting the womb, and after detachment, the two human beings change their process of developing the child and relationship.  A mother and fetus can be seen as an integrated system of one being reliant on the other for survival, even post-partum.  Using the word analysis of the suffix theory:  post-partum is easily understood that the umbilical cord must be cut and sewn to enter that phase or stage in the process.  The first two letters are used, while the others are not necessary because it is a well-defined routine procedure.  What is not well defined is the integration of biotechnological systems between the two, other than what current medical technologies provide, which are simple ultrasounds showing the shape and heartbeat of the growing human and the stethoscope or heart monitor of the Mother, not to mention the hearing and receiving ability of a fetus, and the processing and sharing of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and information to and from multiple sources.

In other words, a review of such an important human function and role, being a mother, as a word mixed with an omission of the letter T, brings reference to Homer, the great Greek Literary Artist, and author of the Iliad and the Odyssey most subtly affected Western standards and ideas. The Greeks regarded the great epics as something more than works of literature; they knew much of them by heart, and they valued them not only as a symbol of Hellenic unity and heroism but also as an ancient source of moral and even practical instruction.  Such literature is not built into the human system, or standardized across humanity, suggesting that morals and ideals must be learned, which is the role of the Mother or other to initiate the learning process which begins as early as conception, and possibly even long before.  The letter T is used throughout the English Language and in mathematical and scientific formulas, as are many other letters, but most notably in mathematics in its lower-case use, being addition, as well as its religious and scientific significance used by NASA to countdown to launch (or lunch, depending on your relative location).

Integration, using a root prefix and suffix word review strategy, where the first part of the word is explained, and the second part (or the main word), and its suffix, which defines its appearance in words of Latin origin, denoting action or condition, used in Latin and in English to form nouns from stems of Latin adjectives (communion; union), verbs (legion; opinion), and especially past participles (allusion; creation; fusion; notion; torsion).  You must understand that breaking down words is not science, it is an art, much like architecture, and in science and technology, verbs, are not often action-binding scientific types or categories of words to define their purpose within a sentence, but it helps.  There is a way to see word combinations and changes or movements as scientific, as it relates to the movement of matter, which affects other matter, even subject matter, where matter is more than just energy, but affects energy, being a complex set of equations to be created or used for specific purposes.  Einstein’s laws of physics and explanation of reaction, velocity, speed, and energy apply to human reactions as a receiver of subject matter and their ability to assimilate and apply the information, either as storage or compilation using their system of learning in what works for them, or new ways of applying such concepts that were not scientifically discovered or evaluated before.  In Applied Physics, it can be observed in the physical world, as an exchange of information where the method of delivery affects mood or ability and can be micro-analyzed down to a molecular level, if understanding is clear on the cellular references, and the elements are not the only set of necessary ions in review.  The reader must understand the suffix “ion” well, in that it is explanatory, and possibly exploratory, all relating to energy, which is defined as matter, that can evolve, morph, change, grow, regress, and relate to other subjects.  The numerical dissection of “ions” is simplified to count in word format, but more complex as energy is explained, where even the tiniest particle carries enough power to establish that it’s not the size of the particle, but the significance of the contents; or it’s a combination thereof, (p-ART-icle) and the unseen word duplication Art, reading as “Part Article” standing for the Atom, which could in fact, convince us that our predictive abilities or sense and ability to look forward, read, and live or see another day is in the abbreviated definition of the Atom itself, even though it does not follow written rules of English and you cannot quickly glean that At-om is to be applied to A Tomorrow, where A is a point, and hopeful goal in a learning institution, a point on a line in an equation, or a blood type. 

Technology programming does not follow written rules of English, thus the necessity to see other disciplines to discover that English in itself, shorthand, or combining characters provides an indication that creates a theory to explain.  Because Freedom is given to create one’s own equation, the Atom can be set and defined in different ways, rather than an abbreviation of “A Tommorow,” but also applied to the bone structure and marrow (an example of morphism), being a necessity for human growth.  In a quick equation of words, regarding the A-tom, the optimum equation is that it must be greater or equal to To-day, where the measure is of the day’s rating unless it is a negative concept, such as one’s pain or pay scale.

Because of the importance of both upper and lower case characters or text in English, and their specified rules and areas of use, as well as references to laws of motion, the structure of case law and authority must also be reviewed, especially since we begin to see what is considered hierarchical or categorical ordinant or superordinate terms, as names defined as the top and all those items that fall under it, or the consideration and use of term “subset of” in data science.  Perhaps not equally as important as the concept of legal precedence, another term that uses ‘subsequence’ or ordered authority of similar fact and predictable outcome of judgment.

The Atom

The atom is the smallest unit of matter that is composed of three sub-atomic particles: the proton, the neutron, and the electron. Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus of the atom, a dense and positively charged core, whereas negatively charged electrons can be found around the nucleus in an electron cloud.

Atom: Definition, Structure & Parts with Labeled DiagramAtomic theory is ancient philosophical speculation that all things can be accounted for by innumerable combinations of hard, small, indivisible particles (called atoms) of various sizes but of the same basic material; or the modern scientific theory of matter according to which the chemical elements that combine to form the great variety of substances consist themselves of aggregations of similar subunits (atoms) possessing nuclear and electron substructure characteristic of each element (Britannica, 2024). 

New Application of the Atomic Theory

The atomic theory can be applied to words, in that all words can be accounted for by innumerable combinations, atoms of various sizes of the same basic material, whereby, material changes and is used to describe subject matter.  Because of infinite and combination possibilities of auto-generated morphism using words, they are controlled in enumerable lists, but useful to create cryptographic formulas.  The weight of words and understanding is important, proving again, the applicability of Einstein’s Law of Relativity in subject matter being of distance and proximity as it applies to not only personal direct experience and knowledge but understanding by exposure to situations or similar information content, presented both verbally and textually.  Humans understanding and conveyance of relativity is that they “can relate to the feeling or experience” as in they have either also experienced the same, personally, or something of similar material or magnitude without scientific measurement.  What might seem like a misuse of terms outside of a familial context, or morphism to a “familiar” context.  Einstein’s Relativity is only mathematically calculated using physical distance, rather than how far of difference in experience or understanding; an equation of thought differentiation that seems nearly impossible to quantify.  In more scientific terms, relativity is explained as a co-occurrence, replication, duplication, or synchronicity.  The matter is of great importance, not only because of the belief that there is strength in numbers, but that matters of critical importance, or life matters where numbers are excessively high are questionable, as are the lowest numbers because of the importance of the numerical scale.  Because of Einstein’s work on the Law of Relativity, and because of geometry and physics, we can understand the calculations of distance, which has enabled improved technology in mapping systems.  What has yet to be provided in technology is the distance between the conveyance of ideas and the point at which the light turns on, and the applicability of learned concepts in the real world for each person that is required to learn them, or for concepts of Reactions and Behavioral Modification.

The Metaphoric Points When the Lights Turn On

In a two-way, send-and-receive information-sharing session, such as a lecture, or teacher/student(s) interaction, a measurable set of points exists that denotes the point in which the material is accepted as understood, and a point of awareness of when the material is applied; not often connected.  The greater the distance between receipt and first acknowledgment of understanding to the point of application, it’s theorized there is less of an ability for the brain to re-acknowledge its original point of acquisition, either because of non-necessity, or lack of ability to track; called traversing thoughts.  The traversal of thoughts is the ability of the brain to access the memory and recall specific learned dates or memories that enable the understanding of the origination point; the distance measured in time (hours, days, weeks, months, years).   This is a three-point equation (possibly more, depending upon what an optimum memory should measure and make the mind aware of) for thought applicability and an understanding of how the mind retrieves stored information after many years have passed; a simple memory test of learned material gained in a classroom setting, and the ability to apply the material many years later and acknowledge or experience the memory and awareness of where and how it was gained and where and how it was applied.  Self-reward mechanisms allow for intrinsic gains for application.  Energy equations for focused memory tasks, not self-initiated, or self-initiated, forced, and or voluntary are self-noted without charts when charts are especially valuable in understanding mental pressure and internal or external initiations of recall or forced actions, where the use of force also has pressure levels depending upon human interaction or object used to create such force.

Understanding of Vocal Energy in terms of the Atom

The splitting of the Atom was recorded as a notable scientific achievement, as is particle fusion; applied to words; or ‘verbiage’ to consider actionable content using syllabication to assist in learning and discovery of hidden meanings or relativity of words; and standard rules.  The differences between vocalization and textual verbiage are multi-disciplinary, combining Arts and Letters, Language and Art, and Law and Motion, where disciplinary action is not only understood as punishment, but self-initiated internal dialog with associated actions (based upon prior agreements, learning, or discussion with the self or others).

In other systems or syllabication of the important word:  Atoms could be designed to separate the location of the suffix of Atoms – “OMS,” which has been given no scientific noteworthy obvious mathematical system or assigned to define the autonomic nervous system and its integral integration.  We, as humans, just know that tomorrow exists, is necessary, is often unseen, also located underneath our cellular structure, but nourished and used daily.  This simple action of word dissection proves that OMS has been split from its location or does not yet exist and must be combined with another system for full and real integration and not just applicable to one group of critical fields of practice, being healthcare.  Humans are unable to count the number of variables uses of a morphed word, such as familial to familiar, or how many different variations and disciplines use the cellular structure and the interaction or integration of all systems; yet are quick to blame cellular technology for the transfer of cancerous cells, resulting in death.  Cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. The type of radiation emitted by cell phones is also referred to as radio frequency (RF) energy. As stated by the National Cancer Institute, in response to publicized/rumored concern:  “there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk in humans (FDA, 2022). 

Noted:  Corporate Competition using negative media and healthcare to evaluate/change consumer use, habits, and restrictions in specific or non-specific airspace; also noted: National Security Agency awareness campaigns, publicized reports of use/denial of centralized intelligence in bombings, threats, and self or collective actualization (laws of manifestation, resulting in live infestations of insects (bugs) and computer viruses, in slang or formal mechanics and objects in or out of motion, for sale, connected to past professions and internal/external intent and motivation where injuries and violent acts occurred).  Unspoken words and misuse cause damaging events in more than one life and location (non-cataclysmic, direct and indirect crimes with hidden motive and intent).

OMS is the Occupational Medical Service, a division of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), but such necessity and system does not only apply to those who are paid workers.  The goal of the OMS is to enhance the health and safety of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) workforce through the provision of a variety of work-related medical and counseling services. OMS services are designed in close collaboration with the Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) professionals and researchers to meet the unique needs of the NIH biomedical research community.  It is clearly defined as being for the workers of the NIH.  Some medical systems use the word “Integrated Health” but show little evidence of systematic technological information leverage or multi-system data collection and compilation for symptom management, diagnosis, and treatment.  The word is used, but not in the way Technology understands and uses Integration, showing it has not yet reached the medical systems; therefore, a new phase of development must be considered for improved systems management.  Healthy functioning humans can integrate information from multiple institutions, agencies, or professionals; it is the technology that is behind and unable to do so.  They still operate on a shared permissions-based system, with different report formats, and tests, and no ability to provide a consolidated health report or record.  Integration, then can be further understood using the concept or action of consolidating data.  To simplify the healthcare problem, one could conclude that since there is no real integration of reports, diagnosis, or history, then it is not fully connected, but has a partial sharing solution, perhaps electronic and via paper form.  A fully integrated system would have all the necessary information and would be multi-purpose and multi-disciplinary, with treatment effectiveness measurements and reports that can explain regional healthcare status from multiple perspectives.

Reviewing its prefix and suffix, “inte” it’s only one letter off from the prefix “intra” or “inter” as more becomes known in this known action of syllabication offered by the dictionary, in variation, or relational letters and prefixes, with slight changes, called morphology, it begins to explain itself.  inter- A prefix meaning “between” or “among,” as in intermission; or intra, in medical terms meaning, within.  The prefix “inte” does not have a formal definition; although the other definitions of proximity in vowels somewhat explain a potential function of the position of the word or purpose: its placement, where the beginning of the word, is close to the beginning, or among, and the part of the word in question or review is, in the beginning, or the front.  In terms of technology, integration takes place somewhere else, unseen to the everyday human, it is often designed in the beginning, or after the system has been created in many different parts, with a purpose to connect information from many different places.  Reviewing the root of the word “grate,” one could quickly suggest it is great but spelled wrong, or an example of how cheese is cut up, using a kitchen tool for a desired size and shape, however, we know computer systems and its contents are not considered food, but if placed on paper, can be shredded.  The obvious goal among many architects and system users is to reduce the necessity for shredding, or recycling so that the information that goes from the screen to the paper is useful and not wasted.  Integration has its role in reducing the amount of paper used to convey or transfer information to another place, but it is not integration’s sole purpose for existence and necessity.

In English language terms, using prefixes, roots, and suffixes, along with scientific strategies of analysis, we begin to see that it might need to be “fixed”, otherwise, we begin to see “suffrage” or sufficiency, as we project or add to the word, and make predictions as to the potential outcomes or possibilities of using two different approaches:  remain with the status quo, or advance and create a new development strategy, and to consider the damage of status quo being stagnation or viewed in two terms of change or no change.  The goal is to work towards Efficiency, by sharing and reducing routine collection duplication and excess (where we must be careful of letter mixing in such a critical life creation and pleasurable and possibly dangerous biological action).  In a worldwide system, built on a connected foundation, the rate of change is also important, but more important is the way change is created; either by a synchronistic, automatic, timed event, or a slow change, using a business sales strategy, or a life-saving necessity. The reason it must be closely reviewed and considered from multiple angles is that humans might need to adjust their thinking and ways of functioning, which is not often comfortable for all, considered a choice, or a necessity, and motivations for doing so must be well understood; otherwise, we realize that our secretive ways, or automatic, behind the scenes ways of programming, developing, and changing the world we live in and the values we live by (which are not solely character and mathematical) might also need reorganization, and timeliness might be a factor in that as well.  As kids, or young adults, the amount of time and the techniques grandma or mom used in the kitchen to make your dinner was not of interest, it was behind the scenes work, of unseen nature, prepared for your consumption, hopefully with love and purpose, presented to you.  Perhaps later in life, as it became time for you to prepare your own consumables, or dinner, learning how it is done becomes of greater importance.  Computer systems are different, where society can live their entire life and never be exposed to or understand what it takes to create a system; they just use the products created for the system of life, the system of government, and provide their money, participation, information, and comment on their experience with it, sometimes solicited, either voluntary or involuntary, which is perhaps because it is in fact now a part of the business economy; an integral necessity to life’s infrastructure.  Just as our techniques change generationally in the kitchen, our approach to technology also changes, while some foundations, principles, and designs will last forever.  Creating something that can last forever, is loved and necessary to all, is in fact a pioneer or revolutionary contributor to life and existence; and the better it can make the world, and lives of many, the greater the intrinsic reward for the creator, but only when results can be seen or heard.

We, as humans, know we cannot compromise our safety and sanity, and history shows many leaders have great rewards, as well as downfalls experienced in humanity, as documented in the history books.  Thus, there is a need for a very serious review of the importance of information, or intent, and purpose or need for integration, and on what kind of scale:  locally, globally, individually, or collectively.  Architecting and programming are often done by one person, yet many people and companies have come along, seeking to collaborate, as if many people can bring many parts together to make the whole system, as long as it can work together effectively, showing and proving, odd connections, stylings, slowing, and dysfunction, but also great learning and work experiences in the process of doing so.  I must admit, that I did not spend hours architecting my first system or set of systems, because I did not have a requirement to do so; it was non-collaborative, and I did not obtain approval to move forward with my design(s).  If I had more time, I would have integrated them better into one application, where duplication reduction was the primary goal, especially after seeing the mass amount of duplication that occurs just by being a user of the Internet.  Not all is lost, but the fact remains, that I cannot create the entire system alone; it requires work and approvals by others not because I didn’t create the original set of systems, but because the system creates, users, and developers of today, still operate on old ideals, as if technology has advanced and is available, but the understanding is not; thus the necessity for further explanation of pitfalls and great benefits of integration.  To accept it fully, or understand it, we must not only learn the meaning of the word, in multiple terms, as it is used, but also as it is understood in the real world, leading us to a cohesive understanding of advancement, use to its fullest potential, and evaluation phases.  With all projects or major undertakings such as this, it cannot be quickly ‘fixed’ explained, or immediately stopped, unless proven another way is better, the current ways are damaging, and the benefits or risks are somehow balanced out to prove better.  There is a natural need to understand the purpose and motivations of the previous architects’ intent, and understanding, but no one is available to interview or discuss, therefore, we must do our best to guess or work with what is known, experienced, and utilize experience, knowledge, and learning, as well as the creative talents of others to put the ideas into action.  Integration must take place first in human relations before it can take place in system change, but not in a ‘data exchange’ kind of way.  Just the act of reading this has already started the process of human integration is the major problem or situation and points to be made for the next phase of technological evolution.

Integration must be better defined.  The definition of “integrating” makes sense in its applicability to other systems, such as humans who operate as groups:   to combine two or more things to become more effective: to integrate something into something; you need to integrate exercise into your normal life.  Combining two or more systems of information storage, processing, and retrieval, makes sense to be more effective since many places or systems use or require the same information.   Unfortunately, computer systems, once built, cannot simply join another group and function similarly to be effective; they require a design and review of common data points, formats, and purposes of collection and use, as well as source data.  There are many other requirements, such as accuracy, validity, and necessity that also must be considered, and after a quick review of this fact, it can become more clear that people or systems collect more than what they truly need or use; perhaps for later use, or just in case purposes and since there is very little actual integration, each system collects it individually, rather than to combine efforts with another system to share information, so that one system performs part of the task of data collection while leveraging data from another data collection system effort. 

Since systems are designed individually, by separate and different people, in different places, for different purposes, they’ve created their own, which resulted in many data variations, in format, accuracy, update cycles, and change management policies.  This has created a tremendous problem across the world, which often goes unnoticed because people do not seem to mind, or even know that they are simply duplicating the same information over and over in many different places, with no one person or corporation, entity, or government system able to establish good technology policies and rules.  Now that each company or place is enabled to gather and store data, they are now individually responsible for maintaining it; or using it, which comes with responsibility and a cost to operate the systems necessary to do so.  Since very few computing resources are shared across the nation or are minimally connected by the Internet, they can share, but for true integration to take place, a new design must be created.  It’s almost as if we now know, understand, and trust in computer systems and have accepted them as a powerful requirement of business and life, we’ve reached a point where we are ready to grow into the next phase of technology, but first, we need to understand better why doing things the way we’ve been doing them doesn’t work as well as the way we ‘should be’ doing them.  This is like a human becoming aware that there is a much better way to do things, and knowing how to make it easier, but being stifled or restricted by the fact that it is a gigantic worldwide system, which might only ‘seem’ like it’s going to take years to accomplish, when it might only take a week or two, with advanced technology.  Before any changes to an existing system design are made, a full understanding or solid general understanding of its system(s) parts must be present, otherwise, things can quickly be damaged, causing severe setbacks in the economy, and now, with social media, our personal lives.  It is not conceptualized or imagined that integration efforts are sure to cause cataclysmic events, or total breakdowns in the social order or economics, but if studied closely enough, in strategies similar to integration, and adaptation, as well as a chain reaction, or string theories, it cannot be left out as a possibility, thus we must spend time understanding the relationships between systems, and the purpose for such separation and duplication, and the potential risks of becoming fully integrated; considerations must take place in both physical and virtual realms, from a human perspective, and a computer user perspective, as well as a systems perspective.

In building architecture, there are also interior parts we do not see, during the building process, that make the building useful; otherwise, it is just a building without light, heating, air conditioning, and electronics.  The same is true in computer(s) and systems, understanding that the two terms are separated because a system must be understood as a set of connected computers that perform a specific function, some functions being common and duplicative of each other because of the need for many humans to utilize them for a specific purpose, not solely working as a connected network, or unit, or group of humans designed to accomplish a specific task.  Just this knowledge alone leads an engineer to realize that human work potential, resources, and use beyond working hours and within our human work design can also evolve so that humans can be task-oriented, doing things at any time of the day, sometimes, anywhere, and be an economic, social contributor, to lives vast array of available information, well beyond entertainment, data entry, and interacting. 

First, it must be accepted and well understood, that while almost every human has a computerized electronic device, is aware of the internet and its vastness, and uses it, they are readily available to be led into a higher and more efficient life design and purpose, of which the Internet can enable, but we as engineers and Doctors must accept that it does not exist, must be designed, and things will change.  We must also understand that the term “Doctor” does not mean the only purpose is to assist an ill population, or citizens in need of symptom management, that term also requires evaluation and an update to the understanding of the specific role beyond scientific evaluation and ‘research’ of other’s work, into assessing the current system, using a similar approach, and then a new approach, to see and know the difference.  It would be simple to diagnose systems using a specific set of standard criteria, prescribe solutions, or remedies, for each and every person brought into the virtual clinic, or for each application reviewed, but the same health problems are suspected to span globally if the same strategy is used, and such diagnosis and treatment will prove to be ineffective, costly, and damaging in the long term, much like today’s human healthcare system.  A review of the healthcare system does show even more flaws in the human design, as well as the technology solution or system used to manage healthcare, so even to begin to understand the current state of global health or even wealth, systems must be reviewed, but not on an individual and varied level.  It must also be understood that just because there are a billion variations of humans and their biological characteristics and a long list of diseases, illnesses, and cures, does not mean that technology should be or is built the same way, but the concern exists that it does, and will continue to head down that incorrect path, leading to more variation, less standardization, and more strenuous, but potentially profitable separation or grouping of humanity, similar to the social stratification and system of political and economic power imbalances seen, but non-publicized and present across the world.  Just as in technological design, like a physical building structure, biology also has a standard design and hidden parts, viewable by some technology that might seem revolutionary but is not as advanced as it ought to be.  Prioritizing technology initiatives is the challenge:  where do we even begin to place our attention, time, and money, and for what purpose?  Naturally, investment areas begin to change as life changes, with some pushing, pulling, or seeking to lead and influence change in specific areas, thus making it a greater challenge, requiring a revisit to individual versus collective needs, and intent:  to change the life’s conditions for self-gratification, or to suggest others change the world and its systems for the betterment of all; by utilizing a newly obtained awareness of a singular problem, which might not be singular or as simple as an architectural redesign. 

A psychological approach offers a simplified resolution, suggesting that the problems that you see in others, or the world are in fact, the problems that you fail to see within yourself.  This might be truthful, or another simplistic resolution to a serious global problem, in that the world and dysfunction, along with the world view of dysfunction across all spectrums of society and the environment was caused not by a single event or problem, but a long list of problems transferred from one to another, replicated, just by mere intent to delegate it to someone else or seek opinion and answer from someone else because the solution has been made unobtainable.  A positive suggestion is that there might in fact be a better solution and that not all is lost, the damage was not tremendous, but the flaws are many and comparative to what a confident and aware human understands with age.  Things change; perfection declines, and although it has its cycles of ups and downs, only some parts can be considered similar; where we seek to find commonalities or explanations, rather than just change them.  Making one or more powerless is viewed as an abusive tactic, a war strategy, and also a punishment; making it clear, that the computer and human are designed similarly, even though the disempowered human is forced to function through the abuse without an ability to set forth or establish a new power and control system; or system that allows redesign, change, and the necessity to understand what went wrong, to avoid another long term life changing technologically driven disaster.  They need us and we need them; you need them and you need us; needs are established, but it is not without conditions and ideals of unconditional love do not exist in this profession; there are terms, legal rules, policies, and systems design functions, things that must be understood, obeyed, and somethings absolutely must not be changed or left to anyone, no matter what skill level or valuable contribution of monetary or supportive value.  Part of reality includes acceptance that life is and never was, nor will it be perfect, although it might be made to look that way on television or screen, it is not the end and it might not be eternal, or a standard human lifespan.  It must also be understood that if things, motivation, and focus constantly change, and only tiny results can be seen, then it is of little value; comparable to purposeful neglect or withholding of necessary attention to what has become a global problem, experienced in small worlds, such as the ideal of ‘scaling a system’ which changes the political and legal structure that in turn changes humanity.  Simple cause and effect cannot be used to scientifically test now that America has become culturally liberal and technologically advanced, proving automation of life and intelligence can span independent of culture, your hopes, your dreams, and your intent, and your feelings cannot be on the constant openness of other’s ideals of tradition, the foundation of law and governance, and ‘cross-cultural diversity’ which may or may not have contaminated many environments.

You and Numbers are Integral

Let’s take you out of this statement and see how we view things.  If I remove myself, then I remove my honest and valuable opinion and contribution to your understanding; if I remove you, then I remove your ability to learn and also contribute, but what is my purpose in sharing this with you and what is your reason for interest?  Have you ever had someone impart a great amount of wisdom and advice that you walked away inspired and motivated to also change, only later to find it another impossible challenge that would be nice to have, but is unobtainable because of the confines of the current system, that we are forced to accept, live within and cannot change or that by reading and learning of this, you are now able to see the necessary change that must take place and can support it?  In this case, it would seem I am seeking your approval, when I don’t even know who you are; your role is established as a reader of my work:  a valuable listener, consumer of information, and potential contributor to world change, and person that is affected by any changes made before or after reading this, even if it is just within the self, or the system design and architecture, of which you may or may not ever be privileged, nor want or need to see.  So, how do we begin to work on things that we cannot see, but know exist and are necessary for our survival, happiness, and quality of life? 

Why are we even important, or symbolically, metaphorically, comparatively, and numerically valuable?  At what point did a human’s worth begin to be measured similarly to an item at a store?  Human’s love and affection, support, and attention can be bought, as well as sold, diverted, and changed.  Is there still strength in numbers and philosophical debates about collective human behavior or a system that requires heavy metals and prison consequently for specific or random and even accidental action?  Insurance and lawyers are not proven effective protectors; and neither are parents, but what does that have to do with the architectural design of the Internet and the fact that no one by name is available to claim it, only contributors and users?  Is it the same conundrum of governance over the people, where responsibility falls on the government when parents become incapable or unable to care, control, or shape the decisions and behaviors of their children, or citizens of the world who call America, the Free World?  America is not free.  How you define “free”, and the almost infinite misuse of words is not only an interesting dynamic, but a powerful tool used in persuasion, manipulation, and world change, which is what information technology can do and what insightful, troubled children and prayer warriors across the nation hoped to do; even if they could only see their little corner of what some call heaven on earth that others see as hell.  Worldviews and philosophy have their role in the evolution of humanity and technology, but the main problem is being able to pursue and achieve goals, change, and do it with sophistication, cooperation, or the level of supportive and knowledgeable leaders, followers, and believers.  Just a quick evaluation of ‘over or underdoing it’ in terms of information consumption, much was found on an addictive abusive level, in the media, available online, in stores, and ready for you to absorb; as is much content on every subject in the world, so why not control the mechanisms that deliver it, since it seems to have the greatest impact and it is the human’s purpose. 

To continue, you must accept the fact that humanity has become a functional group of viruses; ready and able to group and infect or poison you at any time and it is no longer your choice; just as school, history, and science were not your choice, nor were your teachers, leaders, and politicians, even though you were convinced America was built on democracy.  Those facts, without numerical figures and specific proof, are difficult to accept, especially for the creator of it, if such a design, or concept of religion is true.  Technology and religion work together, offering a platform and many tools for the creator to do his or her job effectively; however the hurdles of such a race are not as simple as relaying a short sprint to the next telephonic device or ‘portraying’ oneself as intelligent through an automated device, such as a robot; or automatic living, such as a programmed human, although it has its value in the formula of human social order.

If a flower is more general in meaning, and thus is superordinate to all its hyponyms such as rose, carnation, tulip, violet, sunflower, morning glory, lily, and so on, and are co-hyponyms to each other, then what is the superordinate to a system, if the word system has multiple application and use in a biotechnological world?   It is not that the words and feelings of egotism and, the importance of using a psychological and philosophical approach are necessary, but it is natural, considering a needs assessment, motivation, intent, and more, but shouldn’t we also conduct a root ‘prefix’ and ‘suffix’ analysis of such a grand word since it does relate to the topic, and extends well into our global economic understanding of the exchange of goods and services across the world that the system in question is used to carry out or simply send in as a receiver only?  Or just a fluffy metaphor for the gentle little flower you are, created from seeds planted and watered through intelligent and trustworthy learning of global growth.

“Import-ance.”  Electronically, what good is a receiver without a good set of speakers, and the producers, directors, and artists that create the content?  A simple answer is that it is good, only if it has the necessary parts for its intended or unintended purpose:  to emit sound, as you know, there are many different prices, brands, and sizes, but they all perform the same function and the word “receiver” is now multi-use, spanning into the human realm of electronic email communications and more of typewritten text to audio systems for human interaction; therefore making sound the superordinate and all the possible audio types of format and purpose are its hyponyms, which is dependent upon each other, regional, sometimes global, and sometimes not gained by choice, but by popularity, necessity, or systematic implementation for a non-specific revolution.  Without sound, we are diagnosed and categorized as deaf and disabled, requiring special assistance to understand, interact, and live in the human world.  With sound options and freedom, we have a wide variety of influences, information, and words, or simply classical noise to add to our lives as background, enjoyment, entertainment, or as an addition to our analytical minds for autonomic change. 

Is it more valuable to invest in an integrated sound detection system of human and audio interaction to evaluate your reaction to sound and its contents, being categorized as information input or a consumable system of ratings with warnings, prices, and costs associated with it, to understand how the top charts or the vast and varied styles of music change our moods, which in turn has been known to change our actions, styles, choices, and habits?  If our goal is to change the social order, moods, or behaviors of specific groups, which is considered a sociological function, then yes, the technology is of value, but only if an accompanying system of tests and useful data outputs showing proof is available and even more so, if the standard design can be applied to other technologies that affect behavior, and social conduct, or the fame and fortune of many to the benefit or deterrent or demise of many.  So, if you are integral and this is your decision, as your music choice is your decision, you are not as important to the design of the technology unless you have a way to show proof, profitability, and impact, and if you can handle it globally, then you might have something important, but what does integral mean?

Integral is synonymous with importance, but it is also rooted in numbers, meaning it is a mathematical term for a selection of a specific type of number; simply, a number that is not a fraction; a thing complete.  If you are integral to the team, then you are numerically positioned, the whole self is somewhere within the team, but where?  It depends on many things at many, and various times and such importance or necessity can rapidly change in a single event.  Importance in a human context can be somewhat compared to the integralness of a system, or a computer, to a system, but of much more clear and specific value when removed or changed.  If you do a quick cost-benefit analysis or simply cost comparison using the cost of the computer (or system of computers) and the cost of employees and group of employees, you can easily see the difference, but what is not easily seen are the functions and dysfunction when there are more than one contributor; so a common strategy in root cause analysis, or simply troubleshooting a system, is to remove some of its parts and see how the system functions or responds to the change.  This approach is also used in auto-mechanics when diagnosing the functioning of specific parts; to take the covers off or evaluate the connected parts for the cause of the problem.  “We” are not automatically connected, yet somehow, the Internet and its applications became automatically accepted, after a series of tests.  Some are systems and its uses are obvious and some are not; some are well documented in manuals and diagrams, with formal instruction, while others are not, just as some humans learn easily, while others do not; while some massage the ego, and others parent each other using management strategies or influential tools to get what they want or do what they think is required or ordered of them.   While thinking, perceiving, feeling, interpreting, and understanding, seem to be the primary human brain’s necessities to function, not every subject must be mastered, yet every subject is available to master; non-formally, eroding the educational system foundation and importance, while providing access to others through the works of higher intelligence; a wise plan for a smarter world.  In auto-mechanics and many electronics, problems can easily be identified by sound, or feeling, as are human problems, but in a global system, it is more difficult, especially if it is entirely dependent upon the information delivery system; making it critical to assess of other problem and necessary to diagnose and treat.

The scope or level of influence and evaluation must be clearly defined; unless it is a generalized study of individual, collective, global, socio-economic, and political technology assessment, which is often necessary now that America has evolved into a more culturally diverse society.  Knowledge broadens and becomes more generalized as problems are understood on a higher level, and granularity of dysfunction and disorder can be seen from a tiny data box level of thinking, with the overall fundamental question of integration being “Why are you doing the same thing over and over again” and why does everyone do the same thing?  Has not the repetitiveness and understanding that we are almost as equal to a dog in some cases been made clear to see the decline of humanity and its understanding of systematic or strategic mistreatment of others to equalize and dominate across the world; or to simply show the quick willingness to utilize such a powerful tool? 

Behavioral Psychologist, B. F. Skinner’s learning theory states that a person is exposed to a stimulus, which evokes a response, and then the response is reinforced (stimulus creates a response, and then reinforcement). This finally leads to human behavior conditioning.  A psychologist’s revolutionary application of a scientific theory by Albert Einstein, that for every action there is a reaction, or theories of co-existing negativity, that a co-occurring equal and or opposite reaction, based upon basic laws or rules of electricity and physics is notable.  Now, we begin to see human behavior and interaction comparable to scientific studies of light, as generally stated, reactions; when the switch is turned on, the light appears; not because of your power and might or skill of ‘willing it into being through manifesting its existence,” but because of its simple wired design, prepared for you and others because of Thomas Edison’s discovery and the furtherance of electronic field driven by revolutionary invention, and its comparative metaphor to insight is that “the light went on” means that you’ve reached a point of understanding, and that point can be measured on a line; whereby a mathematical definition of a line is the shortest distance between any two points; is that it must start and stop; otherwise is infinite.   Understanding can evolve and evidence of nuclear science and psychology have integrated through applicability in other disciplines.

The connection point of understanding the information has been reached; the point is clear, or the destination and purpose of the interaction have been achieved.  The line is what is defined and not the point, yet points must be made to understand, and numerically to score.  Most of us understand our ophthalmological response to light, and are now able to apply a psychological understanding of our visual perception in our outlook; perhaps we might see the ‘darkness’ of the world, yet our positive outlook, shifts the negatives in the environment, into a better working world; but not by our will power, but through the application of scientific energy and the matter that surrounds us; of which we have the power to turn on or off or change the volume, but few have the power to change the content.  It seems that technology gives us the ability to receive input, and limited ability to control our psychological and physiological responses to such stimuli, therefore making us scientific test subjects, or matters of observation for others as we scientifically observe others as they affect or stimulate and or limit and affect or infect us, a simple scientific explanation of human interaction, enabling us to categorically conclude conversational or textual toxicity without a metrics measurement system; perhaps a much-needed necessity to eliminate or control substance and matter, as it affects energy and the psyche.  Historically, situational interaction offered two options, react, or don’t react, but as time and stimuli go on and grow, many more options become available, and in today’s social systems, a few options are provided:  close the window, block for a short period, block permanently or unfriend.  Although ‘filtering’ or ‘categorizing’ content is a technological content function and is available, the social system creator and its developers do not make it available; it is designed like the human interaction system in the physical body, you either accept what is given to you, walk away, or remove them from your information system.  This brings to light the question again, or more awareness that technological systems are similarly designed to the physical interaction, where only the words are typewritten and not spoken; removing verbal audio; and enabling change from a third party; or manipulation of words to challenge authenticity efforts of biometrics or other identity protection systems.  The question remains:  why aren’t people offered the ability to categorize and filter content for specific keywords posted by their friends, or able to limit contact contained in media to specific cultural groups?  The only theory is that it seeks to follow the constitutions and laws, which are or were written for the physical world, not considering, or including statistics and outcomes from the law and enforcement efforts to include lessons learned to help create a better environment of greater choice and ease.  When the need to report posts reaches a higher frequency than usual, it is realized that the system is inefficient; corrupted by bad behavior, zero social control, and a now cumbersome task to eliminate bad content and conduct; a near seemingly uncontrollable social dysfunction; or that one person has grown and can no longer tolerate the old dysfunctional ways of a regressive non-evolving population group of humans.  There is a theory that what once seemed somewhat insightful or was publicly noted as revolutionary, is not so impressive after all; as time passed and is perceived to be so because of one’s own intellectual growth; that the stimuli must also advance with new ideas of higher level and insight to remain relevant and noteworthy.  In other words, great psychologists, inventors, and philosophers must continue to inspire, impress, and challenge, otherwise, they reach the end of their fame or point of influence.  Just as a learner must stay intellectually stimulated to maintain interest and focus, as well as love for the subject, overstimulation, could potentially exhaust, creating the necessity for human understanding of such a point, to accelerate, or change content, slowing or increasing speed, and its methods of delivery.