When trying to adhere to program requirements of another discipline (or educational department), not only must the new method be learned and understood how the method is useful to prove theories or test hypothesis’ in advanced topics, but also whether or not it can be applied to the specific field of study. Some methods were created before the creation of the Internet, and aren’t always the best way to present data being collected, compiled, and used. Even the question as to whether or not the Technology discipline is connected to the American Psychological Association (APA) standards, or some other institutional board that has determined the methods are to be used in all disciplines pursuing philosophical study or dissertation, it must be designed using those methods, yet few studies of similar nature are available for peer review or use in developing new research. Not only does the application and use of the method have to be learned and evaluated for application to the scientific study area of computer science, but at what level, degree, or angle.

Podcast: Account Management and Research Methods of an Obvious Problem

By Sheri L. Wilson

Author, PhD Student; Doctor of Technology, Research