This site contains no pre-publishing information strategy for what is posted, written, or shared. There are no strategy meetings with others to discuss its layout, processing, topics, or process by which information is published and shared. Commenting is not open to the public due to viral problems with automated ‘bot’ systems that do not know how to properly take out the time to effectively read and write.

This site is not for auto-bots or non-intellectually minded individuals or leaders. It is also not designed for leaders who think they can step into a leadership role without understanding of their employee’s efforts, accomplishments, tasks, goals, personal obligations, hopes and dreams. Readers know and understand that this site is not designed to manage your hopes and dreams, your religious beliefs, political agenda or problems, both personal and technical or professional and misguided.

We are not responsible for managing your company or your Internet.

Company:  Secret Confidential
Website Technology:  Business and Technical Upgrade
Sr. Website Technology Lead


The current published internet website for well-known Company, Secret Confidential, is planning for a technology upgrade.  The purpose is to improve management of both public and private data, including information related to its architecture and design.  It will be transformed to integrate internal and external use, creating an Intranet and Extranet based on action management protocols.  It is not a simple software upgrade because it includes serious business process and architecture changes.  The development task that will span across several years, therefore an entire plan is to be created that must directly align and correspond with it and its client’s mission, separated because of different missions, yet an exact prototype for sale to the clients, which must be done for them to continue prospering in business and be the Management expert Technology and Management Consulting Firm they claim.  It must offer prototypes and integrate with the populations, industries, and users they lead, which are not only Technology Professionals, but executives, politicians, citizens, allies, and foreign populations.  Its current design offers a wide variety of public information, well organized by category, but is not connected to internal operations, valuable work process systems, products, and its customers order management system.  Special understanding is required, as well as experts in multiple fields, without causing an over-development, or ‘array’ of conspicuous and complicated tasks improperly defined and managed.  It cannot be over or under simplified or incrementally, unless a fully written plan is accepted because work continues in two or five different areas that will never converge; therefore, work stop orders must be placed in specific areas, requiring a full proposal and plan or immediate intervention in some areas to stop the competition and potential failure or massive change in the company plan.  The Internet site is developed using old marketing and publication management ideals, using its site to ‘sell services’ publicizing scientific data and store reading materials, without an organized public library and integration policy with its teammates and industry mentees.  Some of their best work products are statistical studies that offer valuable insight that not only drives the evolution of Technology improvements for the world but changes the world beyond the “web.”  The published works are supposed to be final works and stored individually, without linking to referential statistical material or the products associated with research findings or new and existing technology products – this limits collaboration and teamwork, especially at the publisher’s office where credits are given. 

By Sheri L. Wilson

Author, PhD Student; Doctor of Technology, Research